Why are manufacturing companies increasingly reshoring?

A recent piece by Pat Garrehy on Manufacturing.Net outlines why many manufacturing businesses are choosing to abandon overseas facilities and bring their operations back to domestic soil, opposite the industry trend from 1998 to 2008, when many companies were offshoring to foreign locations that offered lower production costs.

Recently those international benefits have taken a hit, however, and many companies are realizing that "U.S.-based manufacturing provides closer proximity to their customers, increased product quality, better protection of intellectual property and reduced regulatory compliance risk."

The ever-advancing world of cloud-based ERP software also presents attractive options for reshoring manufacturers who are looking to reduce inefficiencies as much as possible. As Garrehy explains, "Enterprise resource planning systems, especially manufacturing ERP software, help companies by providing visibility into every function across many departments." That visibility is vital to the finding and amending any wasteful tendencies taking place within a business.

The centralization and shareability of data as well as increased deployment speed of cloud-based ERP systems all factor into why America is experiencing the "largest and longest stretch of manufacturing increases in a quarter century." The implementation of such systems can ultimately lead to the faster and more productive execution of crucial manufacturing duties.

These benefits are quickly becoming recognized industry-wide. But the installation and customization needed to get such beneficial applications up and running at maximum efficacy can be hard and time-consuming.

That's where we at Accent Software come in. Our employees have over a decade of experience working with Microsoft Dynamics NAV and possess the expertise needed to raise your manufacturing processes to peak productivity. Should your Indiana, Ohio or Kentucky manufacturing company require business management software solutions, give us a call.