Does your ERP system deliver?

The manufacturing industry is always changing and with it comes a demand for software that can keep up. 

Undoubtedly the idea of procuring, installing and implementing a brand new enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution is overwhelming. Your current system has been precisely customized, tailored to every operation. The stress, expense and business disruption involved in changing ERP systems is enough to give some an ulcer. However, eventually your legacy system will begin to cost much more than it is able to deliver. 

Experts suggest that the best time to make the change is when you begin to see that your business needs more than the current ERP system can offer. At this point your company can still function well — users can work around problems to get their jobs done, IT officials still champion the system and customers aren't transferring their business to the competition — but the threads are beginning to fray. You do not want to wait until something snaps entirely and your ERP system fails to consider a replacement.

It's a good idea to regularly define your businesses goals, the issues you face and the problems you are trying to solve, and compare these to the level of performance your current system offers. You, your stakeholders and value chain partners should ask the following questions to decide if an ERP system requires an upgrade:

  • Does the hardware provide a firm foundation for growth? 
  • Is machine technology fast, accurate and reliable?
  • Is the current solution scalable and does it offer interoperability?
  • Does the current platform meet company needs?
  • Has the current software reached the limits of available upgrades?
  • Does the solution in place keep up with industry requirements and demands?

If you believe it is time for your business to make a switch, contact Accent Software. We are industry experts and have been providing businesses with top-of-the-line business management software, such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV, for a number of years.