Entries by bbaxter

ERP Decision-making for manufacturers: Form a team

Deciding which ERP solution to purchase can be a time-consuming process, but it's important to get it right. Here are the people you'll want on your team. First, appoint a project manager to oversee the whole process. They'll keep things on track. Next, find an executive stakeholder to involve in the discussions. They'll make sure […]

The dangers of duplicates [Video]

A study from Experian found that 30% of organizations believe data duplication is one of their top three data quality errors. Here's why you need to watch out for duplicate data. First, there's the cost. Storing redundant data can add up quickly for your company. Secondly, there's all the wasted time! Every moment you spend on […]

What is postmodern ERP?

Industry experts like Gartner believe in a concept called “postmodern ERP.” What does this term mean and is it right for your organization?