How ERP software helps businesses increase efficiency

Supply chain management is an important consideration for any manufacturing company, and as such, it is equally important to consider how your enterprise resource planning (ERP) software fits into the picture. 

Making the most of available resources is a top priority for any company. However, when a company has many different moving parts, it can be difficult to see how each aspect of the business is working together. With the right software, a full view of your company's operations becomes possible, giving you the visibility necessary to make important changes to improve the business and the bottom line. 

One of the critical business objectives that ERP promotes is efficiency, which is especially important to those in manufacturing. As Neil Kokemuller points out in an article for the Small Business Chronicle, ERP provides several benefits as it relates to the supply chain. Efficiency is highlighted as a primary concern when it comes to making the best use of resources. By avoiding the duplication of resources, a company can become increasingly efficient and with the visibility gained through ERP, resources can be used efficiently across each area of a company. 

The author goes on to note that collaboration is another key to success. There are many parties that must work seamlessly together to make operations run as smoothly as possible. This idea extends not only to various areas of the company itself, but also to its relationships with suppliers. Kokemuller explains the importance of making sure that the ERP system is coordinated with suppliers. Working this way can help your company optimize resources and save money by making processes more efficient.

Efficiency is an important goal for any business, and the right software can make all the difference. Not only is it critical to be sure you are selecting the right business management software, but it is equally important to ensure that the system is implemented to best help your company reach its goals. With software that is customizable to the specific needs of your company, you will be poised to make the most of your resources. 

An experienced and trusted software solutions provider can work with your company to tailor software to meet the needs of your business while also accounting for factors unique to your region of operation. Accent Software has been providing software guidance to businesses for more than 15 years. We are a Microsoft business solutions partner, specialized in implementing and customizing Microsoft Dynamics NAV. If your business is located in the Kentucky, Ohio or Indiana areas, contact us to learn more. 

Microsoft Increases Dynamics NAV Capabilities

Microsoft continues to stay at the forefront of enterprise resource planning (ERP) with its recent additions to Dynamics NAV.

According to CIO Today, "the new Dynamics ERP releases are designed to better integrate with Microsoft's Azure cloud Relevant Products/Services platform and Office 365 applications." These amendments follow a trend by Microsoft of frequent software updates, as well as the recent industry movement towards cloud-based ERP platforms.

So why all this activity by Microsoft with their ERP applications? According to the company, "Such updates help us to meet the evolving needs of businesses and organizations in different verticals and different geographies around the world." Microsoft claims that there are more than 375,000 Dynamics customers with over six million users worldwide.

Microsoft's shift in emphasis should be exciting news for manufacturers, with eliminated maintenance costs and greater data accessibility and shareability just some of the advantages of working from the cloud. But how exactly can your manufacturing business benefit from these advancements in manufacturing business software?

Accent Software has more than a decade's worth of experience with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, and has accumulated the expertise and know-how to make sure the implementation and maintenance of your ERP solutions goes as smoothly and effectively as possible.

We have no doubt that our customized plans for upgrading your business data management will make your business processes leaner and more transparent, allowing you to quickly recognize and eliminate any flaws in your system. We also keep our services open to you after installation, making sure your employees are well-trained in the software's upkeep and providing help whenever needed.

If you want to streamline the workflow of your Indiana, Ohio or Kentucky manufacturing business, give us a call at Accent Software.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV upgrades are growing more complex – what can you do about it?

As Microsoft Dynamics NAV evolves and takes on more responsibilities, the need arises for other operations within the software to be automated.

One of the applications to perform such a task is another Microsoft program in PowerShell, says Linda Rosencrance in an article for MS Dynamics World.

"Simply put," Rosencrance explains, "PowerShell is a Microsoft programming tool that enables users to simplify and automate monotonous and repetitive tasks by creating scripts that combine multiple commands to improve efficiency, ensure accuracy and reduce the risk of mistakes." The minimization of human error is an obvious benefit, not to mention the further streamlining of the ERP process, resulting in greater productivity.

Advancements in the sphere of Microsoft Dynamics NAV are always welcome and of course pay dividends in the end for businesses utilizing the software. However, updates can be daunting and can require time to become used to. In many of these instances, having the help of a Microsoft Business Solutions Partner can be invaluable in getting the company up to speed as quickly as possible.

Accent Software's expertise and experience in business management software solutions are the perfect tools for you to use to do just that. We can get you back on track should your business face a problem in handling the changes in Microsoft Dynamics NAV. We'll also be sure to continue to assist your employees with the software whenever they might need help with its usage.

If your Indiana, Ohio or Kentucky business requires assistance with the implementation or maintenance of its Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP software, give us a call. Our acumen for manufacturing business software might be just the thing you need.

Good early returns for mobile Dynamics NAV

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 has been on the market for more than three weeks, with a more streamlined interface, easier and more intuitive navigation and faster loading speeds than its predecessors. But probably the most anticipated innovation are the mobile apps that Microsoft made available for free download two weeks before the October 1 release date and, according to early reviews, users are enjoying the mobile functionality.

The apps allow users to access their enterprise resource planning (ERP) system from their tablet in a manner that integrates seamlessly with the existing solution. Users can view databases, send lists from Dynamics NAV to Microsoft Excel or Office 365 and upload photos directly from a tablet to the ERP platform. Any modification made to the ERP shows up immediately and automatically on the mobile device as well.

"This makes development for tablets similar to development for any other Microsoft Dynamics NAV client," read a recent blog post from the developers. "Create new pages or customize existing pages in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment on your workstation, and it is ready for iOS, Android and Windows."

The system works the same on any tablet where the app is downloaded, allowing companies to choose their preferred model or let employees bring their own devices. Mobile ERP is especially useful for sales or other out-of-office service, because it enables field workers to easily and quickly access all the information they may need.

Dynamics NAV is one of the most popular business management software solutions for small and medium-sized businesses. Accent Software, a Microsoft Certified Partner, can help companies with their Dynamics NAV deployment to ensure they take full advantage of the system's capabilities.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 set for October 1 release

An announcement posted to the official Microsoft Dynamics NAV Blog revealed that the new version of the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software for small and medium-sized businesses will be released on October 1. Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 was first unveiled at the Microsoft Worldwide Partners Conference in Washington, D.C., in July, and presented to partners at a Dynamics NAV event in San Diego earlier this month.

The October 1 release date is for new customers, while existing clients will have the chance to upgrade starting October 6. The new version will integrate more closely with other Microsoft products, particularly online business suite Office 365. As mentioned on this blog, the company also introduced two mobile apps earlier this month for Android, iOS and Windows devices.

With the apps, users will be able to remotely access the ERP databases from their mobile devices, send lists from Dynamics NAV to Microsoft Excel or Office 365 and upload photos from a tablet to the ERP platform, among other features.

Dynamics NAV 2015 will come with a new streamlined interface, using what the company is calling "expressive tiles" to provide key information points and alerts on the dashboard. Overall, pages have been simplified to make navigation easier and more intuitive. The new web client is significantly speedier, loading 30 percent faster and using four times less bandwidth.

Over 100,000 companies now use Dynamics NAV worldwide, making it one of the preferred business management software solutions among SMBs. Dynamics NAV is customizable to fit the needs of each business, so that clients are not paying for functionality they don't need. As a Microsoft Certified Partner, Accent Software provides Dynamics NAV implementation and customization services to companies in Indiana and surrounding states.

Cloud ERP the ideal solution for SMBs

Business 2 Community published a column this week from Craig Such, the director of Azzure IT, a British-based Microsoft partner and developer of rapidNAV. In the column, Such highlights five benefits of cloud-based, small business-oriented enterprise resource planning (ERP) software like Microsoft Dynamics NAV. They are:

  • Affordability: Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can save money on hardware and storage, which is handled by the provider. The host is also responsible for maintenance.
  • Mobility: Mobile access is essential for companies whose employees work from home or that have salespeople in the field. Cloud ERP allows them to access or update information on a mobile device, regardless of their physical location.
  • Reliability and security: Cloud ERP hosting facilities are secure and have backup systems in place to ensure an uninterrupted power flow.
  • Scalability: SMBs need their ERP system to be flexible, so that it can adapt as the company itself changes and grows.
  • Speedy implementation: Traditional ERP implementation can be a lengthy process, but cloud software is much faster to put in place, so downtime is minimal.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV is an ideal solution for SMBs because it is customizable and it provides key insights into a company's entire operation. According to a Forbes article, Microsoft is positioning itself as a major player in the adoption of cloud ERP software. Since taking over as CEO in February, Satya Nadella has emphasized the development of the company's enterprise solutions, and cloud computing has been a large part of that.

Like Azzure, Accent Software is a Microsoft Certified Partner, providing Dynamics NAV implementation to small businesses in Indiana and surrounding states. Microsoft's business management software can become a vital part of a company's day-to-day operations, automating and simplifying essential tasks to free up manpower for other duties.

Microsoft introduces Dynamics NAV mobile apps

With the new edition of Microsoft Dynamics NAV reportedly just weeks away from release, Microsoft has published two apps designed to run the enterprise resource planning (ERP) software on Android and iOS-powered mobile devices. Dynamics NAV is one of Microsoft's four ERPs, designed specifically for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs).

While the new apps are already available for free download, Microsoft did not issue an official press release or blog post on them, presumably because they are optimized for Dynamics NAV 2015, which is not yet for sale.

"Get visibility into every angle of your business using Role Center," reads the description on Microsoft's download center. "Tap to drill into details about your customers, vendors, inventory or any other data from Dynamics NAV. Quickly create invoices and quotes, and email them with just a few taps."

Other new features include sending lists to Microsoft Excel or Office 365 and taking pictures with one's tablet which can then be uploaded to Dynamics NAV. The release also promises a comprehensive search function.

Dynamics NAV 2015 was announced at the most recent Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference, held in Washington, D.C., in July. While no release date was given, the company did confirm that the new edition would feature Office 365 list integration and would work across multiple devices. According to the latest reports, Dynamics NAV 2015 will go on sale in the first week of October.

Dynamics NAV is business management software ideally suited for SMBs, providing guidance along every step of the manufacturing process and valuable insights into statistical data, including costs and sales numbers. With the new improvements on the way, users will have more options than ever before to manage their operations on the cloud.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV to support Salesforce integration

The latest addition to enterprise resource planning (ERP) software Microsoft Dynamics NAV is the ability to support customer relationship management (CRM) products from According to the developer responsible for the integration, this is in response to an increased demand for cloud-based CRMs, which businesses want to be able to use in conjunction with Dynamics NAV.

"We have found that many of our customers and prospects are moving to Microsoft Dynamics NAV," said the CEO of DBSync, the integration developer, "and they have asked us to provide similar capabilities to integrate to it, as the ones we provide for Salesforce."

As he points out, use of Dynamics NAV as the preferred ERP solution is on the rise among companies of all sizes, as is the adoption of cloud-based CRMs. These provide a flexible means of keeping track of business-customer interactions from a variety of different platforms. With proper integration, they can in turn bring greater flexibility to ERP functions, including the gathering and interpretation of data on inventory, manufacturing, marketing, production costs, shipping and payments.

The integration will eliminate data duplication that could occur if the CRM and ERP data were combined manually, and update data on both platforms when it is entered into one of them. Account information, price lists and sales numbers will also be automatically synchronized between the software and the cloud.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV supports all of these features for small and medium-sized businesses, and is ideally suited for distribution and manufacturing companies to record and analyze all their information. Business management software can give an SMB a significant leg up on the competition by allowing managers and employees to easily access data which, when interpreted correctly, will lead them to identify consumer trends and target areas for internal improvement.

Cloud leads ERP software markets

Cloud-based manufacturing ERP software is taking the lead in global markets, pushing on-premise strategies to the backseat as companies seek to optimize their technology and operations.

According to a recent study by Infiniti Research, the global SaaS ERP market is anticipated to show remarkable growth between 2013 and 2018. With a CAGR of 13.8 percent, this would bring cloud-based business management software ahead of on-premise solutions, thanks in part to faster deployment times and easier management of these resources. On-premise strategies require anywhere from 12 to 36 months for complete installation, whereas cloud-based systems can take a matter of weeks.

"Companies are benefiting from the ability to deploy SaaS-based ERP more quickly than traditional on-premise ERP and the method offers ease of adding new user functionality," the research firm noted in its release. "Currently, companies are facing intense competition and require faster deployment of ERP in order to function better, which is a major contributor to growth in the Global SaaS-based ERP market."

The key advantage of cloud-based ERP solutions is the low cost and ease of scalability that these solutions provide. Through advanced customization and configuration, manufacturers can integrate Microsoft business software throughout their back office processes with ease, promoting inventory managing, accounting and human resources improvements, among other strengths. These tools then lend themselves to stronger operations overall.

Infiniti Research also noted that many firms are turning to SaaS ERP strategies because of the energy conservation these tools offer. They ease configuration by implementing templates and standardizing the user experience, eliminating time wasted setting up new accounts, and the user-specific configuration of servers and storage systems. The right integration solution can save firms time and money through all their business management needs.

ERP investments helping manufacturers beat the competition

Manufacturing markets are highly competitive, and firms are looking for every advantage they can to pull ahead. For Canadian firms, manufacturing ERP software has helped provide the edge needed.

According to Canadian Manufacturing, companies in Atlantic Canada have been able to shorten the gap between themselves, customers and their supply chain by investing in inventory management software and other related solutions. Deployment of higher-quality ERP systems has helped diversify manufacturing goals and extend companies' reaches in numerous ways, including going paperless, reducing operational costs and directly improving production rates.

"As Canadian business leaders increasingly compete on a global scale, it should be their duty to investigate and integrate funding, resources and opportunities as they build their businesses and enhance local communities across the country," John Fahey, an industry expert in ERP solutions, told the news source.

Many companies have been able to leverage improved manufacturing software systems for growth, but it is important to invest in solutions that not only deliver gains, but ensure that improvements are sustainable over time. Microsoft Dynamics NAV offers the integration and scalability that firms need to optimize their resources and continue doing so over time. Improved support of small and mid-sized businesses also allows firms to scale their solution to their own, unique needs, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Microsoft business software, and ERP solutions in general, are essential in today's manufacturing markets in Canada, the United States and across the globe. As the competition grows, so too must a firm's ability to adapt. Between a push for globalization and a need to keep up with larger firms saturating the market, SMB manufacturers need to take advantage of every potential edge they can gain. ERP software offers a significant way to do so with no financial risk.