3 ERP training strategies you need to know [Video]

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User training can make or break enterprise resource planning adoption. Why? It’s simple: E-R-P technology only works when employees know how to use it effectively. With this in mind, companies putting new E-R-P tools into place must develop training initiatives that lend users the knowledge they need to navigate the software. Here are three strategies businesses can use when developing such programs:

One: Account for multiple learning styles. Different people absorb information in different ways. Project leaders must recognize this and roll out instructional resources that engage all learners. Two: Train with reality in mind. All exercises should be based on real and relevant platform functions. Three: Continue with training post go-live. Instruction should move forward following implementation to allow for platform updates and new users.

In the end, businesses that embrace these E-R-P training best practices can lay the foundation for success through employee empowerment.

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