Do ERP goals align with enterprise needs?
If your enterprise is considering a new business management software solution, it's important to size up the tasks it will need to accomplish. An enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform is capable of managing a host of internal jobs, such as human resources, accounting and inventory management. One of the common problems researchers have found in unsuccessful ERP deployments is when the intended purposes don't align with the actual demonstrated needs of the enterprise.
In a multinational study of ERP deployment, Severin V. Grabski, Stewart A. Leech and Bai Lu cited this lack of alignment as one of the primary risks of adopting a new system.
"In summary, based on a review of the ERP literature, there are five major business risks associated with the implementation of ERP systems: the lack of alignment of the new information system and business processes; the possible loss of control due to decentralization of decision making; risks associated with project complexity; the potential lack of in house skills; and users' resistance," the authors wrote in the The International Journal of Digital Accounting Research.
The best way to ensure that your ERP solution aligns with your actual needs is to work with a service provider with a comprehensive understanding of your business model. This entails assessing the needs your company has right now and the failures of legacy systems to keep up with their tasks. However, it also requires your vendor to anticipate future needs so that the platform will be fully scalable to evolutions in the future.
At Accent Software, our team of experts prides itself on learning and understanding the specific constraints and needs your business must work to accommodate. Contact us today to learn more about how one of our business management software solutions can streamline tasks that currently take too much time and energy.