Manufacturing helps Indiana reach top 10 for business
Forbes recently unveiled its 2015 Best States for Business Rankings, and Indiana ranks at number eight in the country. This is the first time the Hoosier State has reached the top 10 in the Forbes rankings. On their profile, Forbes cites the manufacturing industry as the main reason for Indiana's successful business climate. Kris Turner of the Indianapolis Star reports that Indiana is a leader in the "manufacturing rebound," as 17 percent of the population works in manufacturing.
A more technical role
Indiana manufacturers rely on a highly skilled work force to lead the way. After all, manufacturing has become a far more technical job over the years, and it's becoming increasingly more automated, according to US Steel CEO Mario Longhi. Whether it's in aerospace, pharmaceuticals, electronics or other industries, successful manufacturing companies develop complex systems to manage resources and optimize the supply chain.

The right software for the job
By taking advantage of business management software, Indiana manufacturers can automate administrative tasks, eliminate waste and optimize their workflows to maximize performance. Using an ERP system such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV ensures a small business can manage inventory, share information across departments and deliver products on time. Manufacturing has long been an industry that embraced innovation, and Indiana manufacturers are no exception.
At Accent Software, we understand manufacturing companies play an integral role in Indiana's economy. Implementing the right manufacturing software can help your team work more efficiently, adapt faster and foster innovation. Accent Software trains and supports your manufacturing team so they can make the most of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and see a major difference.